Five Tips for Taking Care After Varicose Vein Treatment
In case, you have decided to get your varicose veins properly treated then there are few things that you must know about post-operation for ensuring success with least discomfort possible.
Following are the five things that you may do in order to take self-care after you have had proper varice (English Meaning is varicose veins) treatment.
- Get all the facts
As there are number of treatment options available in order to treat the problem of varicose veins, you will need to know the best option based on your specific case.
After you have decided which treatment you prefer, try to spend some time to read about it and also ask questions on various aftercare steps that you will need in order to make sure the success of the whole treatment.
In case of few procedures, there is a possibility that you may have to wear compression-socks or perform certain exercises too.
- Take it easy
Whichever treatment or surgery that you may have opted, you will need to be little patient with yourself as well as your body. All your veins need time to get healed and results will not show overnight.
In case, you have undergone surgery and incisions then you will need to be more cautious so that you do not let the wounds remain open or exposed.
Avoid driving, peeling away any bandages, taking shower bath for minimum two days after the surgery. You must allow your wounds more time to get healed.
- Stay hydrated
After vein surgery there is no specific nutrition guidelines needed however you must drink enough fluids and eat a diet that is packed with fiber for ensuring you stay regular.
- Do not be discouraged with appearances
With the treatment whether it is by injecting a chemical or by removing them will cause little bruising. Certainly, you won’t get smooth skin appearance immediately. So, don’t be discouraged if you are not seeing any results quickly.
- Keep the legs elevated
To keep your blood flowing you might think that moving around will be a good idea, however you may also lay down by keeping your legs elevated.
This will be the best way and allow circulation and also take additional stress from your veins. You will never want to put extra stress on your veins which are now working more.